Grant's Ironman Journey with ReActiv8
For nearly two decades, Grant experienced low back pain due to an accident at work. Suffering depression and PTSD there appeared to be no help in sight. That was until he discovered ReActiv8.
Grant's Story
Grant Archard, I’m 42 years old, and I spent about 12 years in the Australian Army.
In 2004, I had a parachuting accident. A person got tangled in my parachute and we descended on the one reserve chute and I hit the ground flat on my back. I fractured my T4, 5 and 6. From that time on it’s just when my back deteriorated.
I was diagnosed with major depression and subsequently down the track PTSD. The more my back hurt, the more my mental health went downhill.
I feel the functionality that I’ve gained back from ReActiv8 has changed my life greatly. I’ve recently participated in two Ironman triathlon events and will be participating in a third one at Brusselton in December this year. My goal is to go into the 11 hours.
No matter how much training you put in, you’re never going to feel like you’re ready to do the race. The best you can do is go out there and have a crack.
Grant's Success
The appeal behind the big race, I think is a massive mental challenge for any person to be able to swim 3.8 kilometres, cycle 180 kilometres, and run a marathon in the one day is a big tick in the box for me to achieve that.
Follow his journey here